Stronger U

Hey friend,

If you are here and reading this, it might be an indication that it’s your time. Maybe you tend to consistently make excuses why you can do it later or that you will start tomorrow. Or perhaps you are someone who typically quit the day after you start. No matter what your struggles are, Stronger U is for you.

This is for you if:

  • If you want faith based strength training and a guided Strength training Program

  • You want to grow in your relationship with the Lord as well as in strength

  • Want to work with a Certified Personal Trainer and Revelation Wellness Fitness Instructor

  • Struggle to get to the gym

  • Want to build muscle in 30-35 minutes a day

  • Desire to celebrate the abilities God has given you

  • Are choosing to love and nurture your current body

  • Want to improve your fitness level

  • Desire to see fitness as God does, an avenue to worship him!

    Stronger U is for you!

Fitness should never be a chore. Instead, it is the choosing to focus on ability ability and move the body that God gave us. Worshipping him with our actions and the time we dedicate to moving. Rather than seeing working out as one more thing to check off the list, Stronger U allows you to move past that mindset and find freedom in strength training.


Watch this video for a glimpse into Stronger U :

What is the Stronger U Program?

As a Revelation Wellness instructor, I have a passion for both faith and fitness.

Be honest…Does this sound like you?

  • You work your body tirelessly trying to reach your fitness goals

  • You want to lift, but no one has ever taught you how

  • You are short on time, resources, and energy

  • You know there has to be a better way than talking down to yourself

  • You desire to focus on ability over vanity

  • You want a focused 6 week DUMBBELL lifting program you can do at home…

If any of those resonate with you, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE.

It is your time and Stronger U can help!

We will focus on:

  • Progress over Perfection

  • The beautiful story your body tells

  • Working out from a place of Abundance rather than Lack

  • Embracing progress over perfection

Rather than listen to the lies ingrained in our minds from the culture around us, we can break free and experience the freedom that movement can bring. You have a wonderful body and it tells a wonderful story. Ever time we focus on what we are capable of instead of what we aren’t capable of, momentum shifts.

I want to be a part of shifting that momentum with you.

Stronger U starts from the inside. Let’s do the soul work first. Becoming Unshakeable in Jesus devotional walks you through Exodus 1-4 and looks at how we can use God’s word to transform us from the inside out. As we are working at transforming our outward bodies and gaining strength and endurance God can be transforming our hearts and minds as well!

  • 6 week workout plan (Five 30-35 minute workout videos) with me, Bethany!

  • 7 Lesson Devotional series walking you through Exodus 1-4

  • Every lesson starts with a mindset shift that focuses on faith and fitness and how we can combine them in a way that honors God and blesses our bodies and hearts in the process!

Meet your Trainer…Bethany:

As a mom to 5 kids ages 3-8 I the feeling that comes from not recognizing myself in the mirror. I know and understand what it is like to wonder if I’ll ever be able to run again, do a sit up, or even remotely feel like myself physically.

Thankfully, God got ahold of my heart early on after have twins and a c-section and introduced me to Revelation Wellness. I remember attending my first Revelation Wellness workout and feeling the weight of a thousand pounds fall off of my shoulders. There was hope. There was a space in between obsession and neglect, and I was about the find it. My passion from that point on was LIT, and I became a Certified Personal Trainer.

God completely transformed my perspective regarding working out. He has taken me from a place of striving for perfection to a place of JOY in movement and working out. I want to share that with you!

I didn’t know how to strength train early on in my fitness journey. But I do now, and I want to share that with you. As a Revelation Wellness Fitness Instructor, Stronger U is a combination of Faith and Fitness. If you’ve felt overwhelmed by Strength Training, let me be your personal FAITH AND FITNESS Trainer.

As a CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER, and a Revelation Wellness InstructorI put together a 6 week strength training program for you. Let’s focus not on just being smaller or fitting a certain physical mold, but on gaining and building strength.

We have a good God, Who has "not given us a Spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind," 2 Timothy 1:7

What you’ll get in Stronger U Program:

  • 7 Lesson devotional that walks you through Exodus chapters 1-4 and encourages you in your relationship with the Lord.

  • Work out with me in fully recorded videos highlighted upper and lower body strength training workouts. These workouts are focused on what you CAN do, rather than what you can’t do. With the constant reminder that you have a GOOD body and it tells a GOOD story.

    As a Certified Personal Trainer and a Revelation Wellness fitness instructor I approach fitness from a unique perspective!

  • Day 1: Glutes & Core

    Day 2: Shoulders and Chest

    Day 3: Biceps & Triceps

    Day 4: LEGS!

    Day 5: Back & Lats

    Bonus: Core burner

Stronger U

Dream with me here. What if. What if there was a way to combine both faith and fitness. What if there was a way to allow movement to be an expression of what God is doing in your heart and soul. What if by growing in my relationship with the Lord, I could also grow in my discipline and steadfastness in the Lord. I want to tell you that there is a way. I’m so excited to share Stronger U & Stronger U Becoming Unshakeable in Jesus with you. God has redeemed my journey and how I view fitness from the inside out. As he has changed my heart and how I see myself through his eyes, that has overflowed into my workouts as well.

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