The Mindset Makeover

You can be confident in knowing that you are getting a program written by an individual with years of experience behind her. I’ve found that most women have never been taught how to identify what their thoughts are, let alone learn to believe that they have confidence to change their thought processes. I believe in the process that cognitive behavioral therapy brings, and I want to make those concepts available for everyone to understand. The best way I can describe this program, is taking a biblical approach to Cognitive behavioral therapy. Using language that the every day person can understand. I want to share my insights into how thoughts affect emotions, and emotions affect behaviors.

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Hey friend,

If you are here and reading this, it might be an indication that it’s your time. It’s your time to make lasting changes, defeat the cycle of self-sabotage, and embrace the confidence that you’ve always wanted. It’s your time to take the next step and say, “yes!” 

You are capable of making lasting changes. You may feel stuck in the cycle of negative thought patterns, but you are capable of learning new ways of thinking. No matter what your personal goals are, learning to identify and change thought patterns and with a biblical perspective is crucial for lasting change and growth. It’s time to join the “Mindset Makeover.”


Ready for a change?

I’ve got a roadmap for YOU.

You are created on purpose and for a purpose

As a licensed therapist for over a decade, I’ve met with hundreds of women. Women who long to make lasting change but have never been taught how to think. They’ve never been told that they have the power to change the trajectory of their life by learning to both identify and redirect negative thought patterns.

Be honest…Does this sound like you?

  • You’ve never been taught to identify your thoughts

  • You tend to react to circumstances

  • You often feel defeated and overwhelmed

  • You stuff emotions and pretend that everything is fine

  • You believe that you can’t let down and have to keep going no matter what

  • You struggle with confidence and belief that you can learn to change your thoughts

If any of those resonate with you, YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE.

Take a peek at the Mindset Makeover Program

  • The Mindset Makeover

  • Lesson 1


  • Lesson 2


  • Lesson 3


  • Lesson 4


  • Lesson 5


  • Lesson 6


  • Lesson 7


Mindset Makeover

Step one:

Acknowledge that you are worth working on. Realizing that you were created on purpose and for a purpose. If you’ve spent years of your life stuffing down your feelings and thoughts, you don’t have to do that anymore. That the way that you think and feel has value and purpose in God’s kingdom and our feelings are not our condemnation.

Step two:

Embrace and believe that not only can you learn to acknowledge your thoughts, but you can redirect them. You can identify lies that you have believed, and learn to strap on the belt of truth. Reminding yourself that you don’t have to earn your worth or God’s approval, it’s just there because he created you.

Step three:

Watch growth happen! As you learn to change your thoughts, your emotions change, and ultimately your behaviors as well. I think of changing behaviors as the cherry on top! As you take thoughts captive, you grow in confidence and ability that you can learn new things. You are capable of making changes, and those goals you had, they won’t be so far off anymore.

“Have confidence in knowing you are working with a professional who knows the next steps and can walk with you in.”

If you’re ready to….

  • Learn and accept that you are worth knowing and taking care of

  • Increase lasting behavioral changes by accessing and redirecting thoughts

  • Uncover feelings that you have stuffed under the rug

  • Break away from Shame about self and who you are

  • Create a narrative about self that both honors God and encourages you!

  • Identify thinking mistakes


Meet Bethany

As a mom to 5 kids ages 2-8, I know chaos. But thankfully, with a background in Psychology and Counseling I have the benefit of education and experience to help keep me sane. With an undergraduate degree in Psychology, a masters degree in Counseling Psychology, and thousands of hours of practicing experience I have a background in understanding what works and what doesn't. I understand people. But even MORE important than that, I personally understand negative thought patterns and just how damaging they can be.

I've personally experienced the feeling of being paralyzed and overwhelmed by life. I know the familiar feelings of self doubt, excuses, and down right exhaustion that I "JUST CAN'T GET IT RIGHT. But I also know the healing power of understanding that my identify is rooted in God's love for me, and that through his strength, I can learn to Renew my mind. I can learn to recognize, question, and revise patterns of thinking that have caused me harm, rather than good.

We have a good God, Who has "not given us a Spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind," 2 Timothy 1:7.