How to stop hating your body

Truths that will set you free

If you’ve ever struggled with your body image, comparison to other women, or even neglect or obsession towards your own body, this is for you. A step by step workbook that looks at how you are not only created as God’s masterpiece, but also ways in which you can learn to see, treat, and take care of your own unique body.

“Letter to the High Achiever”

If you are someone who struggles with feeling like you are always and consistently in the “rat race” constantly climbing but never getting anywhere, this is for you. If you feel like you have to alwasy work harder, strive more, and continually achieve, this is for you! If you struggle with feeling like it’s up to you to handle it, that you have to be in control at all times, and that safety comes in covering all the bases at all moments, this is for you.

This “Letter for the High Achieve” was written with the hundreds of women I’ve worked with over the years in mind. I’ve listened and I’ve heard. I’ve cried with and mourned next to women as they’ve learned to let go of the lies of self-sufficiency and desperation that they were clinging to and found freedom that comes from letting those lies go.

If learning to change your thinking is something that interests you, The Mindset Makeover Program will be launching in the next few weeks. Full of video teaching, educational content, workbook pages, and journaling components, it is the perfect place to continue your journey!

I hope your heart finds a little bit of healing as you listen below.


Mindset Coaching

Does any of this sound like you?

You want to be physically healthier and enjoy movement. You desire to start a business, or learn to enjoy motherhood and life as God intended.

You've purchased the fitness program. Hired the nutritionists. Bought the course. Ordered the book. Enrolled in the class.

But still. Three days in. Three weeks later. Three months into it, you find yourself back at square one. Feeling even more defeated and overwhelmed than before.

What you need isn't a new program or better nutritional resources. What you most likely need is help in shifting your MINDSET. Transformation comes as we become more aware. More aware of our emotions, thoughts, and the mindset and narrative to which we approach our life. Through that awareness, we can learn to replace negative thought processes with ones that are truthful and encourage you in knowing you were created on purpose and for a purpose.

By taking thoughts captive, we can learn to renew our minds.

3 steps to overcoming your Insecurity

The truth that transforms your identity, purpose, and mindset

We have our opinion of ourself, and God’s opinion of us. At some point, each of us need to choose whose opinion matters most. I can’t wait to share 3 truths with you to help transform your identity, purpose, and mindset.